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The benefits of top-dressing split applications of fertilizers on your Winter Wheat or Pre-Tasseled Corn have been proven season after season. Split applications make all kinds of sense—because you're providing your plants with the right fertilizer in the right place at the right time.
Enjoy this short video from Air Repair Inc. of Aerial Fertilizing in action

Whether it's fungicides, foliar application, insecticides, or herbicides, we have the experience you need to get the desired results. Since aircraft do not contact the ground or crops, you get the added benefits of no soil compaction and a zero chance of spreading disease by carrying it on the sprayer after brushing diseased plants.
Ride along with with us as we drop in for a pass while spraying fungicide.

Cover crop seeding should be considered the backbone of any annual cropping system that seeks to be sustainable. Research continues to support seeding in aiding soil conservation, reducing surface water runoff, holding nutrients, and building organic matter.
A look one month after aerial seeding of cover crop from
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